Monday, August 27, 2012


Do accept my apologies in not getting any new posts for the past few months. I was terribly busy getting ready for my wedding! Now that all is said and done, I may be able to make some feeble attempts at keeping this blog thing up and running.

While I was going through all the stuff I had at my parents' house to move to my new apartment with my lovey, I came upon a little "thought book" I had been writing in. Not necessarily a diary, mind you. In it I had written a poem about existentialism. Recall the post I had written last year about that woman, the Pantsless Princess, who was mean to her poor lawn slaves---my sister and I. In response to this post, I wrote up this poem and I do believe it is time to share it.

Please enjoy.


Eukaryote. "You-karyote". You are a eukaryote.
A bundled mass of complex cells.
You aren't so different, you and I
Earth, trees air, plants and sky,
Stones and streams.
Held together by the laws of science only.

Just atoms and molecules--ever spinning.

You are no more than I. 
Each one of us passes through every stage of our evolution 
before we even accept the air of the world into our bodies.

Every stage of evolution. 
You are incredibly astounding,
Yet so very ordinary all at once.
Just a frame in evolution.
A silly stop-motion life.

Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, 
Primates, Honinidae, Hominini, Homo--
You classify easily like all the plants, animals, cells.
We stand face to face.
You can smell my breath.
It smells of within my lungs, of the earth,
of a system that starts with a single cry.

Molecules of the breath I expell
as we speak
now nourish your cells.

Your cells.
Shift, live, feed, die.
Separate entities--eukaryotes.

Your skin cells slough and become the dust.
Dust in the air. Dust in your eyes.
Your body defends against it with tears and slime
Never recognizing that it was once a part of itself.

You are a swirl of atoms
Just solid enough to dance through 
the infinitesimally small window of your existence.
Not unlike, when watching leaves move through the Autumn wind,
they come together in brief company 
before dispersing along their ever undecided trajectory.

You, eukaryote, will die. 
Your bones will become stone and your molecules freed
To the dust, 
To the air,
To the atoms all around.

And so shall mine.

Atoms to atoms.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adventure Kadie.

As I was making doodles of Spencercorns, and other various friendcorns which I may or may not post later, I realized that I don't ever really draw myself. I found myself inspired to try though by some doodles Spencer had posted on his Facebook. They were drawn in the style of Adventure Time--which is a strange and  also hilarious cartoon. I figured that the simplistic drawing style would be just about perfect for capturing my lack of definable features!
A lovely mish mash of "Adventure Time"-inspired Kadie doodles.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

For Lack of a Better Post.

I am very aware of the fact that I haven't posted anything on my blog for a ridiculous span of time. I just haven't come across anything worth saying I guess. Although I did have a random word pop into my head that I didn't know...but I forgot it. You were spared of a vocabulary lesson.

I have recently taken an interest in reading scientific literature and toyed with the idea of starting up a fantastic "Scientific Literature Book Club"! If anyone would be interested in that. I have finished up reading Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human by Richard Wrangham. That was a short and interesting read detailing how the human diet is specifically adapted to processing cooked foods. Give it a read sometime.

I'm currently working on reading Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price (he was a dentist). This book is over 500 pages worth of observations made by Dr. Price (in the 1930's and 40's) of the effects of a modern diet (read: white flour, refined sugar, canned foods, etc.) on the dentition and physical structure of various groups of people who had previously been following a traditional diet. I am loving every second of reading this book! (There were already two things about the book that I loved before I started reading it---Weston and dentistry---so maybe I'm biased. And there are TEETH! SO MANY TEETH!!!)
I had recently become aware of the teachings of the Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) and felt that I should delve deeper into it by reading Dr. Price's book. I had intended to do a later post summarizing the outlook of the WAPF but if you're interested take a look at their website.

The true reason I had for this post though was that I discovered that my adoring audience was missing me (by means of a single post from Spencer on my Facebook wall asking if I was finished blogging). So in thanks to Spencer for feeling a gaping hole in his life due to my lack of eloquent insight.... I drew a picture of him looking like he would if he was a unicorn. You're welcome.

I call it: "The Spencercorn"