Friday, August 5, 2011

Word of the Day.

I'd like to share with you something about me that's perhaps a little strange. Every once in a while, completely at random, a word will pop into my head. Maybe it's a word I've heard before but never really knew the meaning. This word will plague me for several days until I finally get around to looking it up. Then I'm free of it until another random word comes to mind.

I think the first word that ever popped into my head was pseudopod. It literally means "fake foot" and refers to the way amoebas and white blood cells move.
Apparently, the random words that come to my mind aren't in the least bit useful for everyday conversation. :p

Recently, I had the word salubrious pop into my head. So here's the definition of that: "healthy; life-giving; pleasant".

My latest word visitor was esoteric. From  "limited to a small circle; of special, rare, or unusual  interest; designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone".

So, there you have it: random words that you are likely never going to use in daily conversation. But I will still post them whenever they come to me. Might as well put some use to them in the form of random vocabulary lessons. :)

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